
Couple Analysis

This analysis is a possibility for couples to find out harmonies and disharmonies between the partners (according to the different tones in their voice image) and can help to deepen the understanding for each other. It is an additional tool, after both partners have had their voice analyses done and want to know more about the effects of their individual vibrations on each other. This tool reveals, which frequencies are in harmony with each other and where there can be tension through disharmony. This enables the partners to understand the other one better and change patterns of behavior to bring more honesty and harmony into the relationship. 

Price: € 100,- per couple (duration about ¾ Std.-1 Std.) – The voice analysis of both partners are required.

For appointments or further information please write an Email to info@magstrasser.at or call 0699 81206833 (or 0680 2402550).

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Unser neuer Verein: Herzensweisheit, Bewusstsein und Seelenkraft