About me
I see myself as a poet, philosopher and mystic - at least this is what I love most
to devote myself to. My approach to life is a humorous one; I like to laugh
about myself and about life. It makes me happy to help and serve others, but I
am also someone who likes to enjoy life and the fruits of life and the earth. Good
relationships with my family and friends are very important to me; and it is
very possible that my time schedule gets messed up if I can make someone else
happy instead. All in all I see myself as a very blessed and richly rewarded
person and I want to express my gratitude towards life through the joyful work
on myself and the sharing of my presents with others.
Childhood and education
I grew up at the beautiful lake
Wörth (Wörthersee), which was very good for me as a (february-born)
With 16 I started to philosophize, to write diaries and poems and I started
reading books about spirituality. I was very interested in world religions and
especially in saints and prophets and their mental and spiritual roots.
After graduating from a technical school (HTL) and serving the obligatory
months in the Austrian Armed Forces I started a technical study at the
university in Graz, but I soon found out that it was of no interest to me and
so I changed to study educational science choosing topics that would satisfy my
thirst for knowledge and bring forth my talents. So besides the classes in
education I also took classes in philosophy, German studies, psychology and
languages (English, Italian, Japanese and Spanish) and I browsed enthusiastically
through the literary treasures of the university, learning - amongst other
things - about forgotten Indian knowledge from books that are not even printed
any more. So my longing for India and the ancient Indian wisdom, the Yogis and
healing possibilities grew stronger and stronger.
In 2001 I finally got my master of philosophy and was able to devote myself
completely to the adventure India.
But before I
married my greatest love and best friend Christine. She changed
my life since 1993 in the most beautiful and unbelievable way. She brought so
much happiness, easiness and grounding into my pisces-being that I could
henceforth really enjoy my life and dedicate myself to the development of my
talents. Finally a person who understood me and was able to accept me the way I
In India I learned ancient knowledge, meditation- and healing processes,
explanations about human life and nature, souls and hearts. I also got to know
myself - sometimes more intensively and closely than I preferred :-). But this
is exactly the beauty of life - to discover and learn to love the unknown and utilize
it for the common good.
After getting my spiritual PH.D. in India I returned to Austria in 2010, to be
there for those people who want to find themselves, who want to help themselves
and others and work together for a better world.
With love
Gerhard - „Jayscee"*
*my spiritual name, which I
use since 2002