Vocational AnalysisDo you know the feeling that your job is not really your calling? Do you ever ask yourself what your true talents are or do you need help choosing a second career or additional training? It doesn’t matter if you are about to choose a profession and training or if you are already working and want to know more about your talents and abilities – the Vocational Analysis can be an exceptional tool for decisions about your future career. Price: € 240,- including a written report and an individual exercise-CD. Very important: To prepare for the appointment with your voice analyst please pay attention to the following requirements: 2 hours before the appointment don’t eat, sleep or exercise extensively (no sport), half an hour before the meeting be in silence (don’t talk and don’t listen to conversations or music). At the appointment silent salutation! For appointments or further information please write an Email to info@magstrasser.at or call 0699 81206833 (or 0680 2402550)
Live your Life seminar series
Since summer 2013 I am offering my self-created seminars to help people
to get in their own power, happiness and contenment and finally to their
self-mastery. It´s about the big questions of life, self realization and
awareness, and handling of (self-crea...